Stewardship Commitment Weekend

Stewardship Commitment weekend – Nov. 7/8

We make our stewardship a GIFT, a symbol of ourselves. Growing In Faith Together is the aim of our annual stewardship renewal.  For many it is truly a renewal of such generous self offering to God of one’s time, and talent and treasure.  For others it is an opportunity to embrace stewardship in a new way or in a more spiritual way.  To remember that all of our time, talent and treasure is really a gift of God and that we are managers of what he has given to us is a freeing and enlivening part of our spiritual journey.

This weekend make our Stewardship Commitment.  I hope every parishioner will remember to bring their Stewardship Renewal form with them and have it ready to place in the basket in front of God’s altar.

Need another form? click one – 2015-16 Commitment Form or 2015-16 Commitment Form Youth