August Blood Drive!

BLOOD DRIVE: Saturday, August 3, 2024 from 8:30am – 1:00pm. Giving warms the HEART!  Sign up HERE

Our VersiPASS system allows you to complete reading materials and a health history questionnaire privately, prior to arriving for your donation.

VersiPASS must be completed the same day of your donation.                                                    

Please bring your printed or mobile confirmation to your appointment. Without it, you will be required to complete another questionnaire onsite.

3 Easy Steps

  1. 1)  Review education materials
  2. 2)  Complete the online questions
  3. 3)  Bring printed or mobile confirmation to your scheduled appointment- without this confirmation you will be asked to fill the questions out again.

This is the link that will take you directly to the VersiPASS page:

August INCENTIVE: To be determined


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