Lenten Enrichment Opportunities

Full Schedule HERE 


Spending time before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and receiving His abundant graces comforts His Sacred Heart and brings true peace and joy to our hearts. We become like Him. Over time, this simple act of love, of “just one yes” to be with Jesus in this special way is transformative and always for the better.

This Lent you can make the commitment to accept Jesus’ invitation to meet Him there.  Mondays from 2 to 4pm, come for all or part of the time.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Fridays of Lent at 7:00pm

We offer a different form each week varying from traditional to contemporary. Come as individuals or as families to unite your hearts with Jesus in this long standing Christian prayer and let Jesus touch your heart deeply by showing the depth of his love for us.

PASTA DINNER YOUTH FUNDRAISER: Fridays Feb. 23 & March 22, 5:30-7pm

Supported by the Knights of Columbus

Enjoy a delicious dinner with family and friends while supporting the parish Youth Group in raising fund to attend the National Youth Conference in Steubenville, OH this summer. Cost: Goodwill donation.


Attention men! The 2024 Building a Legacy Catholic Men’s Conference will be here before we know it… do not miss out on this opportunity to grow in faith and virtue, becoming more of the man God created you to be! With a dynamic lineup of speakers—including Curtis Martin, Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., Michael Gormley, and John Yep—as well as opportunities to receive the Sacraments, you will be both strengthened and challenged in your faith and in living your life on the solid Rock that is Christ. March 9, 2024, at St. Robert’s of Newminster in Ada. Registration is open now. Go to www.buildingalegacy.org for more information and to register. Early bird registration ends Feb. 23.

THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU—Evening of Reconciliation. Thurs. March 14th, 5—7pm.

As we begin the season of Lent, the Diocese of Grand Rapids will once again offer a special opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. “The Light is ON for You: An Evening of Penance” Thursday, March 14 in almost every parish of the diocese. Msgr. Terry will hear confessions from 5 – 7 p.m.

Visit GRdiocese.org/penance for details

SHINEMiddle School Youth Rally – Saturday, March 24, 1-6:30pm at 3-Mile Project, 3050 Walkent NW, Walker, MI 49544. The 2024 SHINE Youth Rally is for Middle School Youth in grades 5-8. Our goal is to invite middle school youth into a personal relationship with Jesus through inspiring talks, prayerful worship music, games & activities, and dedicated times of prayer. The Eucharist centers our day, as we place the youth before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, inviting Jesus to speak to their hearts. Our theme “Revive” will build upon the ongoing Eucharistic Revival. Learn more at About — Shine Youth Rally  COST: $30 Early Bird Registration by Feb. 15th or $35 per person until March 20 at noon. Register with our parish office..


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