ONLINE GIVING offered soon at Holy Family! Abundant, the new eGiving solution, offers giving via text, mobile, online, and so much more.

We are excited to announce that very soon we will be able to offer parishioners the ability to give online anytime, from anywhere, making contributions consistent & convenient!

Abundant will benefit parishioners in the following ways:

✔ Give 24/7/365

✔ Donate with debit & credit or ACH*

✔ Donate via text, mobile, or online giving

✔ Give to multiple funds

✔ Ability to cover processing fees

✔ Add a memo to a gift

✔ Set up recurring donations

✔ Make one-time gifts

✔ Donate as a guest

✔ Email confirmation

✔ Stored payment information

✔ View Abundant eGiving history

✔ Transactions are securely processed

Check back here in the next week or so to find out more about setting up your secure online church account! SAFE-EASY-EFFECTIVE!