Feature for May: MARY

FORMED  Feature for May: MARYlla05lqdwunp2hcyejn6

The Bible and the Virgin Mary is a dynamic twelve-part video series that beautifully explains the Catholic truths about Our Lady showing how she has been a part of God’s plan to bring salvation to the world since the beginning of time.


Additional Resources on FORMED for May

Movie: Mary of Nazareth gckju6lklwyogrhfbok1

E-Book:  The World’s First Love: Mary Mother of God, by Rev. Fulton Sheen.

Program: Symbolon– session 9: Mary and the Saints

Audio: Mary, Handmaid of the Lordhpaw1qwtyrgilboay3f6



For Pentecost:

Program: Symbolon: Session 7, The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace

Program: Catholicism: Session 9, The Fire of His Love

All these  beautiful resources are yours through the parish on If you haven’t registered yet, just go to to enter our parish code  BPBMCX (case sensitive) You only have to enter this once at the time you initially register  Then create a username and password to  access these suggestions for May and all the Catholic programming on FORMED anytime.

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