Healing Our Church – A Pastoral Response to the Sexual Abuse Crisis

The recent wave of news about clergy sexual abuse and the cover up by some Church leaders has left many of the faithful angry and shaken in their relationship with the Church. Amidst the other difficulties the situation presents, how do dioceses and parishes find a way to minister to these hurting parishioners? RENEW International has created Healing Our Church, a small-group resource which faces the issue head-on and helps the lay faithful begin the healing process and move forward, with the clergy, as a family of faith.

OVERVIEW  Printable Flyer & Prayer  

Healing Our Church is a six-week process for participants of our Parish beginning in early October.  Sign-ups will take place in early September.    If you have questions or are interested in leading one of these small groups as a facilitator please contact either Jamie Kober or Theresa Westcott.  The sessions are:

Facing the Truth We express our feelings about the sexual-abuse scandal and its impact—first and foremost on the victim-survivors, but also on us and on all the faithful. We listen to the experiences of others, respecting their feelings and emotions. We face the truth so we can begin to move forward.

Healing Our Wounds Acts of sexual abuse and the coverups have deeply wounded the whole people of God. Healing is an ongoing process that takes place over time and in several stages. The treatment is truth, compassion, transparency, and prayer. Each of us must play a part in the process of healing and transformation of the Church.

Rebuilding Our Church We identify and explore the complex factors that have contributed to the sexual-abuse and coverups. We claim our role in rebuilding the church. We recall that in the history of the Church, whenever human sin and weakness have caused scandal, the Holy Spirit has inspired great women and men to respond and challenge the Church to personal and systemic changes.

Why do I Remain a Catholic? We read stories from people sharing why they remain Catholic and what they treasure about the Church. We express our own reasons for remaining Catholic. We stand with Peter, saying, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

We Believe We refocus on our connection to Christ, whom we meet in the sacraments and the Scriptures in the community of the faithful. We explore together what we believe and why.
A Way Forward The Church is the people of God, called, and sent to be wounded healers. We explore the call to become missionary disciples and identify some necessary elements for transformation. The crisis is not an end but a turning point from which we together rebuild our Church.

A Way Forward The Church is the people of God, called, and sent to be wounded healers. We explore the call to become missionary disciples and identify some necessary elements for transformation. The crisis is not an end but a turning point from which we together rebuild our Church.