40 Days for Life

40 DAYS FOR LIFE– Sept. 28 – Nov. 6, 2016

 We hope you will join the thousands who will pray, fast and spread the message of life in an effort to bring an end to abortion in our city and beyond.

As a parish we can do our part by…

 ► Remembering your commitment to fast and pray for 40Days. Prolife Meditations for the Mysteries of the Rosary

► Give public witness at the Heritage (abortion) Clinic on Tuesday October 4.  We still need time slots filled, please see the sign up sheet in the Narthex, or call the parish office (887-8222) to sign up. (Thank you to all our faithful prayer warriors who stood in prayer at the clinic!)

Baby  Shower…donations of baby food and other baby items will be collected during the month of October for the Baby Pantry (formerly the Pregnancy Center in Lowell). Donations of baby food, formula, and diapers are especially needed. There is a collection box in the Narthex.

Become informed on Life Issues this election season. Visit the Michigan Catholic Conferenc (MCC) at https://www.micatholic.org/advocacy/advocacy-issues/federal-issues/ or follow MCC on Facebook Or Twitter-(MICatholicConf) for daily updates and information related to legislative matters. Also see the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) http://www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/index.cfm  and Priests for Life at http://www.priestsforlife.org/index.aspx for many Prolife resources